الخميس، 3 أكتوبر 2013

Did Mr Bean ( Rowan Atkinson ) Truly Converts to Islam ?

Today  too many website  and social websites  published  that Mr Bean (  Rowan Atkinson ) and
this is what one of those site  remind
Arab and international The king of silent comedy” Mr Bean” announced his conversion to Islam News networks picked up on the social networking site, and other websites morning news announcement Global Islam comedian Rowan Atkinson’s famous “Mr Bean”.
And surprised the comedian famous “Mr Bean” middle and artistic world by announcing entry in the Islamic religion.
And the relocation of “echo my” word Mr Bean shows from which the film was offensive to the Prophet – peace be upon him – was a major reason for the discovery of a teacher this true religion, and did not want Mr Bean authorizing the channels of information so, as it could only raise his finger testimony.
According to some sources, interested according to the site, Sheikh Rashid Ghannouchi Contact the name and the name of the Nahda Movement congratulatory telegram for this artist Qadeer congratulating, calling him stable on the road to the right, waiting to send an official mission to congratulate him.
he site indicates that Sheikh Rashid relationship with “Mr Bean” is related to ancient days was in London. Sheikh has long been a good mentor.
and this one of the  anti Islam  sites  that attack Islam  Www.israellycool.com,we  know form the name its  not Islamic site  or a site that support Islam.  this site post :

So Muslim readers, feel free to believe what you want and even spread our blog post to all and sundry. But know we do not believe for a second Rowan Atkinson has converted to Islam.
related : A partial list of celebrity converts to Islam. 

we should as Muslims  support our religion  Islam , such incorrect news (Rumor)  give UN Muslims  pretext to attack Islam , as Muslim we should  not  help rumors like this  to spread .

what  we should do if we found  things like this  , first we have to be sure it’s true or not , second  find a source for information  that  Confirms it .

I know that many of us became happy for our religion, because famous people when they converted   this news spread so fast and also effect on some people.

The lesson that we learned today is when we see a rumor we have to be sure first, because it’s effect in something bigger than anyone it’s our Allah religion our Islam .  watch the video made by Mohamed Samir 


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