الخميس، 30 يناير 2014

The Fruits Of Iman - A True Revert’s Story

The Fruits Of Iman - A True Revert’s Story 

Ibn Al Qayyim (rahimuhullah) he says, speaking about these voids…


Listen wallahi to these heart softening words…

'In the heart of every human being there is a sense of scattering which cannot be brought back together except by turning to Allah.'

'And in the heart of every human being there is a sense of loneliness which cannot be put out except by being close to Allah.'

'And In the heart of every human being there is anxiety and there is a sense of fear and unease which cannot be removed except by fleeing to Allah.'

'And in the heart of every human being there is a sense of guilt and regret, which cannot be removed except by being pleased and content with Allah.'


هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. waalaykum salaam, akhy, Allah will be pleased with your endevour in his deen, inshaallah.
    wabillah taufiq.


ملحوظة: يمكن لأعضاء المدونة فقط إرسال تعليق.