الاثنين، 6 أكتوبر 2014

4 things you should seek refuge in Allah when you done from Tashahhud during Salat ( Prayer )

عن أبي هريرة - رضي الله عنه - أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال : [ إذا تشهد أحدكم فليستعذ بالله من أربع يقول : اللهم إني أعوذ بك عذاب جهنم ومن عذاب القبر ومن فتنة المحيا والممات ومن شر فتنة المسيح الدجال ] . رواه مسلم

Abu Hurairah ( May Allah be pleased with him ) reported : The Messenger of Allah ( peace and blessing upon him) said , " When anyone of you has done his Tashahhud during Salat ( prayer) , he should seek refuge in Allah against four things and say : 

"Allahumma inni a`udhu bika min `adhabi jahannam, wa min `adhabil-qabr, wa min fitnatil-mahya wal-mamat, wa min sharri fitnatil-masihid-dajjal (O Allah!) I seek refuge in You from the torment of Hell, from the torment of the grave, from the trials of life and death, and from the mischief of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (Antichrist).'' [Muslim].

4 things , seek refuge, in Allah ,Tashahhud ,during Salat, ( Prayer )


"Trials of life'' means ordeals which one has to face in life and which can harm his Faith and body. "The trials of death'' means the troubles which one has to face before death. "Masih'' means Mumsuh-ul-`Ain, one who is squint. Ad-Dajjal (deceiver, impostor) refers to that man with a squint who will appear before the Day of Judgement . This is why he is called Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal. He will make claim of godhood and in order to test the Faith of people, Allah will get some supernatural works done from him. The pious ones would, however, recognize him and will save themselves from his trap. This will be a great trial indeed and one must seek refuge with Allah from it.

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إرسال تعليق

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