Qur'an the book of Allah , as Muslims we
respect and believe in this book our Qur'an , and we consider it as our Constitution , every laws we can
find it in Quran , Allah send Quran on our prophet , to teach us how to live
, some people say that Quran useful back to time of our prophet but not now ,
Quran is useful for all times and
all places , if you read Quran you feel that’s
Quran talks to you in all your conditions , you feel like Quran make your heart more soft , more
clear , Quran show you the beauty of this life , make you found the way throw
all those hardships .
I knew an information, that this name people
of the Quran, not just for those who memorize it , not at all , you will be
call as one of those people ( people of
the Quran ) if you just read it carefully and understand what you read , and
make it your reality , and try to live as Allah ask us in the Quran .
Few days ago throw face book I was in my
page , and I found this video about an American Muslim man , this young man was Recite Quran during
the pray , his voice was amazing , i wonder how come I waste all those left
years and I didn’t try to memorize all
the Quran .
sisters and brothers, I wish that on the Day of Judgment they call us people of
the Quran , and I hope that Allah grant us this placement , sisters and brother
don’t waste time start from today now hold your Quran and say I will never leave you in shaa Allah