This particular ayah along with others was marked in every Sahabah’s Radiyallahu Anhum heart.
According to one narration, when ‘Umar Radiyallahu Anhu once recited
this ayah during Fajr prayer, he cried, and the noise of his sobbing
could be heard even among the last row of worshippers!
Subhan’Allah. When most of us just read this ayah from the Qur’an
like it’s just some text on a book, these great men when they read and
recited these verses, they gave out their hearts to it, the impact of
these words were just overwhelming for them.
So ask yourself, when was the last time such words had impact to your hearts?
If it’s been too long, don’t you think it’s the right time to get back and better our relationship with the Qur’an?
Ponder, hard.
Al Fatawa 10/374